Discussion Topics: Let's Chat

This is a place to discuss topics that our relevant in our lives.  Please make sure that when you leave a comment it is tasteful, I don't mind if you want to vent but please respect others and make sure not to use any vulgar or degrading language!  Thank you!

Discussion topic #1:

What is your favorite way to promote?

(This could mean, yourself or your business. If you are not an online seller, what is your favorite social media outlet?)


  1. I have tried Squidoo, which I really liked but it is very time consuming. I have also use Facebook and just got into twitter. I have realized that I need to have business cards with me when I am out in the community because I can't tell you how many times I start talking to someone about etsy and I didn't have a business card to my shop =( It is on my to do list!

  2. At first I was using my stickers which I use on my packages I ship out to tell people about my etsy shop. I just got my first pack of business cards in the mail today (yay!!) I also use facebook. I just started doing "scents of the week" in my shop, I also post the scent specials on my facebook. That seems to help. I am always looking for new ways to promote! I haven't done twitter or Pintrest yet. I feel I'm on the computer so much that to join more sites would eat so much more of my time.

  3. OOOO what a great topic Katie! My favorite way to promote is to hand out business cards to people I meet in my everyday life. I don't just throw them at people as I walk by, but if we get to talking and I think they'll like Etsy, I'll give them a card and say, "This will take you to my shop, but you can get to the main site from there." This is a great way to raise awareness and share the Etsy love. My one tip is to make sure you business cards are different, even if you chose a stock image from a company, add something special before you hand them out that no one else has and will make you stand out!

  4. Discussion Topic #2

    What do you want this Valentine's day?

    Feel free to let us know what your perfect Valentine's Day would be. Do you want roses or dinner and a movie? If you could would you travel to Paris just for the day? What would you do there? Go ahead and post your fairy tail!!
